Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fourth Loose End

Everybody thought Hillary was running, and now it turns out Bill is running instead?

Who cares.

The 22nd amendment -- Presidential term limits -- was a McCarthy era reaction to the fact that a free people, left to their own devices, historically have liked liberal Democratic politicians.

I don't feel too bound by such a Conservative amendment to limit my freedom of choice. It certainly does not reflect the wishes of the Founders as a whole, although it certainly reflects the wishes of George Washington, and we are more than wise to take his advice seriously.

Still, it amuses me that the person who lost most from the 22nd Amendment -- the one man who could have kept running and winning for the rest of his life -- was the Republican Ronald Reagan.

Here in New York City, the same nonsense prevails. Term limits was a scheme imposed on the city by rich Republicans because they were tired of losing elections all the time. And the person who lost most from that -- the one man who could have kept running and winning for the rest of his life -- is the Republican Rudy Guiliani.